Musculo-Skeletal Practitioner

The MSK Practitioner, an expert physio, can be reached directly for most of your muscle and joint aches, pains and strains.

Our service is for people experiencing symptoms of MSK disorders – such as back pain, joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, tendons, and structures that support limbs, neck and back or sports injuries. This will reduce pressure on GP appointments and provide better care for patients, with a significant reduction in the wait for expert advice - getting you seen by the right clinician first.

Our Receptionists will ask if a MSK Practitioner (a qualified physiotherapist) could be of assistance. Contact details will be obtained and an appointment booked for a face to face or telephone assessment. Same day injuries may be referred to Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at West Berkshire Community Hospital.

A MSK Practitioner can give advice on how to manage your condition after their assessment. The physio will have full access to the GP record, making it easier for them to make a safe and accurate assessment, and allowing them to record the consultation in the notes. Their advice may include exercises and self-management and where appropriate, the physiotherapist can make an onward referral for continuing therapy. A choice of providers are available.

Under this scheme, patients are offered initial assessment appointment, and if necessary up to 3 follow up appointments. If further treatment is necessary, the physiotherapist will contact patient’s GP and agree treatment plan.

For further information, please contact the receptionists on 01635 867171

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